4 Signs You Need a New Furnace

Furnaces can last a long time. If they are well-maintained, you can get 15-20 good years out of a unit. But, like all things, they eventually need to be replaced. Of course, you don’t want to wait until your furnace completely stops working, right in the middle of winter, to get a new one. That’s why we want to talk about some of the signs that it’s time to start shopping around.

Age of the unit

This one is probably pretty obvious – the older your furnace is, the more likely it needs to be replaced. If you have a 15-year-old unit that is well-maintained and functioning properly, that doesn’t mean you should automatically replace it. This is important to consider as you read the rest of this list.

It’s getting expensive to run

Consider your utility bills from this year to last – has it become considerably more expensive, without a commensurate rise in rates? Are you paying a lot in repair bills? We’re always happy to hear from you, but if you have us on speed dial (is this still a thing?), it might be time to think about a new unit. Some repairs are part of good maintenance, but at some point, it might be time for a replacement.

It looks, sounds or smells off

There will always be some noise associated with your heating unit and getting to know those noises – like the sound of it kicking in when the thermostat tells it to – is important. However, at some point, as your furnace ages, it may start making more pops and bangs, or even squealing or screeching. This might indicate the need for a simple repair, but they can also indicate your unit is coming to the end of its life. It may also start to smell musty and dusty on an ongoing basis (not just when it first turns on for the season). In fact, you might even notice your house is dustier than usual. Your first move should be to check your furnace filter, but if you change that as regularly as you should, it might point to something more serious.

As for how a furnace looks when it is on its last legs; soot, cracks, corrosion, and rust are all signs that you need to have your unit looked at, and possibly replaced. If the pilot flame is anything other than blue, that is also reason for concern.

It’s not performing like it should

Maybe it’s heating your home unevenly (as a furnace ages, it can be more difficult to heat some areas of your home). Maybe the humidity level in your home has changed drastically, beyond what’s expected in a dry prairie winter. Or maybe the furnace is cycling on and off far more than usual, or never turning off. All of these things can have a number of causes, but if you are experiencing these issues, it is important to have your furnace checked out.

If you think you might need a new furnace, the best thing to do is have your current system inspected by a qualified professional, to identify what is happening and if it is an issue of repair or replacement. This isn’t like the new iPhone – you don’t need to get a new one just because. As long as you make an effort to maintain your unit, it should last you many years. When the time comes to say goodbye, you’ll probably find that your next furnace is even more efficient than your last.