Furnace Tips for Extreme Cold

After enjoying an extended period of above-normal temperatures, the polar vortex finally made its presence felt last week, marking the arrival of winter in full force. In these extreme cold conditions, while hibernating until spring might seem appealing, it's not realistic. What you can manage effectively, however, is ensuring that your furnace operates efficiently to keep your home warm.

 Here are some tips to help your furnace perform optimally during this cold snap. 

Change Your Filter 

Over time, your furnace filter collects dust and particles, leading to decreased airflow and making your HVAC system work harder. Regularly changing your filter, ideally every 1-2 months, can improve airflow and enhance warm air circulation during cold days. 

Check Your Thermostat 

It’s important to ensure that your thermostat is functioning correctly and set to a comfortable temperature. Consider a programmable thermostat to manage heating schedules efficiently. Fun Fact: Lowering your thermostat by one degree can save 2% on your heating bill

Prevent Heat Loss 

A significant heat loss in homes (around 25%) occurs through cracks in windows and doors. Inspect these areas for drafts and seal any gaps with weatherstripping or caulking to keep warm air in and cold air out. This will help ensure the warm air stays in your home (where it should be) rather than escaping out gaps. It will also help the cold air from entering your home, which we know is an unwelcome guest!

Keep Exhaust Vents Clear 

Since your HVAC is vented to the outside of your home, you want to make sure that you keep them clear of snow or ice. In doing so, warm air is better able to circulate in your home. If snow and ice freezes, this can also cause issues with clogging your vents, or interfere with air flow. Therefore, be sure to keep an eye out for any issues.

Extra Tips: 

·       Ensure vents and registers are unobstructed by furniture, rugs, or other items for proper air circulation. 

·       Use curtains or blinds effectively: close them at night to keep heat in and open them during the day to let in natural sunlight. 

·       Have emergency supplies like extra blankets, candles, and warm clothing in case of temporary furnace issues. 

·       Keep your HVAC service provider’s contact information readily available (is our number in your phone?). 

If you have any questions or concerns about your furnace, the Action team is here to assist. Our goal is to keep everyone warm and cozy during these extreme temperatures. Stay warm and safe!