Tips to Conserve Water

Water is a precious resource, and one we often take for granted. With the turn of a faucet, we are almost guaranteed that water will begin running out for us to use for washing, bathing, or drinking. However, as we kick off 2024, we want to offer some tips to consider helping conserve water. Not only that, but also save you some of your hard-earned cash at the same time. 

Install low-flow fixtures 

If you've browsed your local home improvement store, you've likely seen products labeled as 'low flow.' This term refers to fixtures that use less water to accomplish everyday activities such as showering, washing your hands, or flushing the toilet. According to an article from Bob Vila, some low flow fixture may reduce water usage by as much as 60% in comparison to standard ones.  

To help with water conservation, consider installing low flow fixtures such as high efficiency shower heads and low flush toilets. Remember! Every little step you take can make a big difference. Also, the Action team is here to help, and we are happy to answer any questions you might have about the process and installation. 

Improve day to day practices 

As we mentioned above, small practices will make a significant difference in the long run for not only water conservation but also for energy consumption and cost savings. We are certain these are all things people would like to improve and have more of! So, here are a few things to consider implementing into your day-to-day activities around your home: 

  • Limit time spent in the shower and use less water for baths. 

  • Complete full loads of laundry, rather than running many small loads throughout the week. 

  • Visit a car wash to clean your vehicle. 

  • Consider a rain barrel for watering your plants and flowers. 

  • Turn off water while brushing your teeth. 

  • Know where your main shut off valve is for your water supply.  

  • Run a full dishwasher instead of hand washing dishes (less time washing dishes? Yes please!) 

  • Upgrade your appliances. 

  • Sweep driveways instead of using the hose. 

Don’t put off fixing leaks 

One of the most important things you can do to conserve water (and prevent costly damage to your home) is to check for leaks on a regular basis. Did you know that a leaking toilet or faucet can cost you hundreds of dollars a month in wasted water? Also, in one month, a leak of just one drop per second will send about 10,000 litres of water down the drain. Therefore, be sure to keep an eye (and ear) out for signs of leaks especially in the bathroom.  

If you notice something out of the ordinary, contact our team to come for a visit. The sooner a leak is detected, the easier it is to fix and the less of a headache it will become. 

By implementing these water conservations tips, your will not only contribute to your home’s plumbing system, but also to the environment while enjoying the benefits of lower water bills. As always, if you have questions or concerns about your plumbing, give us a call today