Top 10 Holiday Plumbing Tips

The holiday season is fast approaching! With that, you are likely going to host more people in your home than usual. Whether you have friends or family staying with you for extended periods, or are planning several get-togethers, it is important to prioritize your plumbing!  

By keeping some of the following tips in mind over the next month, you can help prevent unwanted issues that will surely put a damper on your holiday spirit. 

  1.  Dispose of grease properly: We have spoken before about what can, and can’t be put down your drain. One of the largest culprits of destruction to your plumbing is disposing of grease down your drain! Since it can solidify, and cause clogs, avoid pouring grease into your sink. Rather, after it has cooled down, throw it away in the garbage. 

  2. Clean your plates: Before rinsing off your dishes, be sure to clear them of any remaining food scraps. Excess food in your drain may lead to bigger issues, so you want to make sure that you prevent it from ending up in your pipes. If you have a garbage disposal, don’t put hard to grind items down the disposal. 

  3. Bathroom duty: If you have additional people in your home, your bathrooms are going to get used much more than usual. Be sure to remind your guests not to flush anything other than toilet paper and have a bin handy for other items that need to be disposed of. 

  4. Look for leaks: A leak is never fun, but especially not during the holiday season. Therefore, take some time to check your faucets, toilets, and under your sinks to ensure you don’t have any unwanted drips. It is much easier to fix a small leak than a big one; especially when you have a home full of people! 

  5. Check your water heater: Water heater maintenance, particularly during the colder months is key to ensure it is working efficiently. Even more so when you have guests who want to enjoy a hot shower, and not an ice bath (even though we know those are on trend!). Schedule an appointment now to have your water heater inspected and avoid any potential issues. 

  6. Know where to turn off the water: Should disaster strike, you need to know where your main water shut off valve is located. If an emergency occurs, this can help minimize the damage to your home. 

  7. Inspect your toilets: Have you noticed any toilets in your home that are continuously running? If so, fix this issue before your guests arrive to avoid leaks and conserve water. 

  8. Purchase a sink strainer: If you have family members with thick, long hair, you are likely aware of how much hair can come out of a drain! Using a handy sink strainer, you can prevent hair from clogging your pipes. 

  9. Space it out: Try to avoid everyone showering right after one another (20-30 minutes apart is a good rule of thumb), and space out laundry and running the dishwasher as much as possible. 

  10. Have a drain snake handy: Just in case, it’s a good idea to have a drain snake at the ready should you need. If you don’t know how to use one, don’t worry! We have you covered in one of our blog posts

There are much better ways to spend your time this holiday season than worrying about your plumbing! Keep these tips in mind, and you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the company of family and friends all month long.