Winter Preparedness: Inside Your Home

Last week, we discussed some tips on how to prepare the outside of your home for winter. We would be remiss if we left out the other important part, the inside of your home. So, today let’s talk about getting the space where you spend most of the winter months ready for the incoming weather! 

Don’t ignore your windows and doors 

During the extreme cold, it is imperative that all seals surrounding the doors and windows in your home are inspected. Do a thorough check of these areas, and if you find an issue be sure to resolve it by using weather stripping or caulking to seal the gaps. In some cases, you may even want to consider using a draft stopper at the bottom of your doors to help stop cold air from intruding! Since your windows and doors make up 25% of your home’s total heat loss, this is an important step to help make your home warm and cozy. 

Call a professional 

In terms of your heating system, we suggest that you have a professional come to your home. (We might know someone perfect for the job!) We will do a proper and thorough inspection of your heating system and provide any maintenance that might be required. We want to ensure that your heating is working both efficiently and safely, so be sure to give us a call. 

Additionally, you will want to replace your furnace filter, and consider a programmable thermostat, which can help regulate the temperature in your home, while preserving energy, and saving you money! 

Inspect your fireplace 

There is nothing more comforting than relaxing in your living room, with the soft glow of your fireplace as the backdrop. However, before you settle in for a long winter’s night, be sure to have your fireplace inspected and cleaned before using. Avoid preventable accidents such as fire or carbon monoxide poisoning by making sure your fireplace is in tip top shape prior to enjoying it all winter long. 

Check your detectors 

It is good practice to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly. So, this is your reminder to do just that! Test both of your detectors and replace the batteries if necessary. Both should be placed close to the bedrooms and be in good working condition. It is always important to have working detectors, but even more so during the months when your furnace is working overtime, and if you are using your wood burning fireplace. 

Prioritize your plumbing 

Since we live where the air hurts our face, naturally it can have the same effect on your plumbing! Be sure that pipes located in unheated areas are insulated to prevent any freezing. You also want to make sure that you know where your water shut off valve is located, should you experience a frozen or burst pipe. Trust us! The last thing you want to do if this should happen is get caught scrambling to find it. Of course, should chaos ensue, our team is only a phone call away. 

Keep your home warm and toasty (and energy efficient) by keeping these tips in mind. If you have questions, or would like to book an appointment, please contact the Action team today