Plumbing Resolutions for 2022: Resolution #3

We’re a few weeks into 2022, and if the weather is any indication, this could be a wild year. One thing is for sure – we want you to have reliable, boring, stable plumbing, all year long. For these reasons, we suggest you follow along with our four plumbing resolutions for 2022.  

(You can read resolution #1 and resolution #2, or just start here with plumbing resolution #3!)  

Resolution #3: Take better care of your drains. 

Last week, we spoke about taking better care of your garbage disposal. There are several ways that people abuse their drains, and drains are one of the most important elements of functioning plumbing. This year, why not make an effort to be more careful with your drains so they can continue to work, just as you need them to? 

Drain guards 

Drain guards are inexpensive and easy to use and can keep hair and other debris from getting down your drain. Put one in your kitchen sink and your bathtub drain, and you’ll instantly save yourself a bunch of annoying (and potentially expensive) clogs.  

Don’t use your toilet as a garbage 

There are only a few things that belong in your toilet, and we think you know what they are. Don’t throw other waste here – that drain looks big, but it is not designed to deal with things that don’t disintegrate or go through the wastewater treatment process.  

We know those disinfectant wipes or baby wipes often say “flushable” on them, but they really aren’t. They don’t disintegrate like toilet paper, and they shouldn’t be in your toilet. Same goes for tissues and paper towels – they aren’t the same as toilet paper. There is a long list of things you shouldn’t flush, but generally, stick to bodily waste and toilet paper – that is it.  

Be wary of drain cleaners 

Things like Drano are designed to be very corrosive, to break up clogs. But that corrosiveness can also cause toilet bowls to fracture, PVC pipes to break or melt, and it can destroy the glue that holds pipes together. These items are either costly to repair or will make your plumbing inoperable. Try a plunger instead, or check out this post on clearing a toilet clog without a plunger. 

If you invest a little time and effort into being kind to your drains, they will continue to be kind to you. Remember, you will not like your drains when they are angry!