Five Signs it’s Time to Call a Plumber 

There are few things we take more for granted than good plumbing. That is, until we have a plumbing issue. As long as everything is running smoothly, plumbing is a wonderful thing to enjoy and ignore. But at some point in our lives, most of us will need to call a plumber. Beyond the obvious plumbing emergencies (if your pipes burst, you’ll probably be on the phone pretty quickly), or installation of a new appliance, here are five signs that you might need to call a plumber.  

Discoloured water 

If you are on a municipal supply of water, you are probably (hopefully) accustomed to your water being exactly one colour – clear. If the water coming from your taps suddenly has a yellow, brown, orange, or red tone to it, it is time to call in the professionals. This is most likely indicative of an issue with your pipes, and it is unsafe to ignore.  

Sewage Odours 

A clogged drainage pipe can cause some seriously unpleasant smells. As your sewage line ages, these clogs can become more common and more resistant to your efforts to clear them. You could also have an improperly ventilated drainage pipe. If you smell sewage in your home or on your property, take a walk around, inside and out, and try to identify where the odour is and isn’t, then call your plumber. Sewage odours are not something you want to attempt to solve yourself.  

Low Water Pressure 

If you have an issue with just one faucet, cleaning the aerator yourself can solve the problem. But if you have an issue with pervasive or intermittent low pressure throughout your home, it’s time to call a plumber. The issue could be a rusty or debris-filled pipe, or it could be a cracked or broken pipe. The low pressure could be a sign of a much larger problem that you need to address before it becomes an emergency. 

Recurring or stubborn clogs 

Most people will experience periodic clogs in their drains that can be handled with a little plunging or some boiling water. But if you have severe clogs or recurring clogs that are preventing draining, especially if they are in multiple locations in your home, it’s time to call a plumber. This might indicate a deeper, more severe clog than your attempts can reach, or even an issue with your pipes that will require professional intervention.  

Gurgling Water 

If your toilet decides to sing while you are in the shower, or your drains gurgle when you are running the dishwasher, it might be time to call the plumber. Gurgling is often an issue of venting in your plumbing system and attempting to solve the problem yourself can lead to further damage.  

As you can see from our plumbing and HVAC tips, we want you to feel empowered to take care of your home maintenance. But knowing when to call a plumber is critical for the health of your plumbing.