Four Reasons Why Your House Needs Humidification 

You live in the prairies, and it is very much winter, which means that the air is already dry and cold. When you turn on your furnace to heat the air, that heat removes even more of the moisture from the air, making an already dry situation worse. Adding a humidification system to your house offers so many benefits – some of them may even surprise you.  

Your comfort 

One of the main benefits of adding humidity to your heating and cooling system is that it makes it more comfortable to be in the house. Not only will you have an easier time keeping your skin from crackling (and maybe even wrinkling!) but you will reduce the amount of static, which can be a problem in the winter. You might even find your pets are less itchy.  

Your health 

Beyond your immediate comfort, having the proper humidity in your house can help prevent illness. Just like your skin or lips might crack if they are too dry, the delicate tissue in your sinuses and lungs can also become irritated and broken without proper moisture. Adding a whole house humidifying system can help alleviate scratchy throats and coughs, strengthen your ability to stay well, and even help you deal with allergies or things like snoring. It can also help you minimize viruses and bacteria.  

Your home 

If you have hard wood floors or wood furnishings, you will need the right amount of moisture in the air to keep them from cracking or warping. Even if you don’t look around and see wood, your house is most likely full of it. Door and window frames, for instance, can be affected by low moisture, and start cracking, warping, and creating gaps. Adding humidity doesn’t just protect what lives in your home; it helps to protect your actual home.  

Your wallet 

Believe it or not, humidity can also save you money. On top of creating a less healthy environment and wreaking havoc on the wood of your home, having dry air tends to encourage people to increase the heat, which drives up your energy bills. A humidification system reduces the amount of energy you need to keep your house at a comfortable temperature, and therefore reduces your heating bills. Having the proper humidity also increases the efficiency of your heating system.  

Adding humidifiers to your home can make a huge difference to your experience of the colder weather and help your heating system work even better. Especially in the dry prairies with our long winters, it’s an important investment in your home, your comfort, and your health.