How to Unclog a Toilet...Without a Plunger

We’ve all been there – you go to flush the toilet, and nothing happens. If you’ve got a plunger nearby, no problem. But what if you are stuck without one? We’ve got some tips to help you unclog the toilet quickly, without a plunger.

Hot Water

Sometimes hot, but not boiling, water is all you need to clear a clog. If the clog is a “slow drainer” – meaning the water in the bowl returns to normal levels in in a few minutes – this can be enough to get things moving again. You can heat the water up on the stove until just before it boils, and then pour it down the drain (from about waist height to add a little force) and see if that helps.

Dish Soap

While you’re in the kitchen, grab the dish soap. If the hot water doesn’t work, you can pour about ¼ to ½ cup of the soap into the toilet. Give it a few minutes to work its way down the drain, then pour some more hot water (no need to heat it on the stove this time – tap is fine) down the drain and wait 10-15 minutes. This may be enough to lubricate the clog and set it free.

Baking Soda

Remember Science Fairs when you were a kid, and someone – maybe you – always did a papier papier-mâché volcano? Take a page from grade four by using the same ingredients you used for the eruption – baking soda and vinegar. Pour about a cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar into the toilet bowl and let it fizz for 30 minutes. Chase it with more hot water and see if that was enough to dislodge whatever is clogging the drain.

Drain Snake

If all else fails, you can either make a quick trip to get a drain snake or create a makeshift snake with a wire coat hanger. Straighten the wire, wrap one end in a rag, secured with duct tape (to avoid scratching the porcelain), then twist and push the snake into the drain to see if you can dislodge to clog.

Of course, if none of this works, you can always call us!